Brochures & Fact Sheets

Know the facts.

Every year we update our brochures to inform you and your community about our major initiatives and trainings. We also update our fact sheets with new data and information regarding adolescent pregnancy and STI rates in our state. We couldn't do our work without dedicated community members like you, so we are committed to providing you with the facts. Download our available brochures and fact sheets below. 

Fact Sheets

2020 Adolescent Birth Rates & County Ranking

2020 Adolescent STI Rates & County Rankings

Comprehensive Health Education Act (CHEA)

Teen Health Bill of Rights or Teen Health Bill of Rights (Spanish)

Low Maintenance Birth Control Comparison Chart or Low Maintenance Birth Control Comparison Chart (Spanish)


Tips for Parents

Tips for Faith Leaders

What Can You Do?

Meeting Their Needs (for parents or trusted adults)

Meeting Your Needs (for teens)

South Carolina Minor's Access to Confidential Reproductive Healthcare

Fact Forward Training Brochure

Collaborative for Reproductive Education & Wellness (CREW) 

Connection Made: Facilitating Effective Virtual Adolescent Reproductive Health Programs