
We Want To Hear From You!

Fact Forward is creating a training program that will provide foster caregivers with essential education, skills, and resources required to support expecting or parenting youth in foster care. This initiative is designed to address the unique challenges faced by this population, with the goal of reducing placement disruptions and enhancing permanent outcomes for foster youth.

Who do we want to hear from?

  • Foster parents and caregivers
  • Youth in foster care who are expecting a child or had a child while in care
  • Professionals who are involved with foster youth who were expecting or parented a child while in foster care.

Gathering this information will provide Fact Forward with better insight and ensure the program reflects the real experiences and realities of this population. We plan to conduct two activities with each population: an online survey and listening sessions.


Incentives will be offered to those who complete a survey and/or focus group and meet the participation criteria for eligibility. Following completion, Fact Forward will screen those eligible to receive the incentive. Ineligible participants will receive no incentive.


Youth Survey

Audience: Young people aged 14-24 who are currently expecting or parenting while in foster care OR Young people aged 14-24 who were previously in foster care while expecting or parenting.



Take The Survey! 

Adult Survey


  • Current or former foster parents and caregivers who have or had youth in their care who are expecting a child or parented a child in foster care.
  • Current or former professionals that are involved with youth who are expecting a child or had a child while in foster care. 


Take The Survey!

Listening Sessions

Young People

Virtual Option (via Zoom) 10/22/2024 @ 5-7PM

Youth Serving Professionals (In person)

Option 1: Charleston Trident United Way - 6296 Rivers Avenue Suite 200, North Charleston, SC, 29406, November 6 @11-12:30PM

Register Here:

Option 2: Charleston Trident United Way - 6296 Rivers Avenue Suite 200, North Charleston, SC, 29406, November 6 @2-3:30PM

Register Here:

Youth Serving Professionals (Virtual)

Option 1: If you are interested in attending a listening session, please click here to schedule a session! 

Foster Parents/Caregivers

Virtual Option (Via Zoom) 11/4/2024 @ 10-11:30AM


If the listed dates and times do not work for you, please use this link to sign up for a time that would work for you: