
A State-Wide New Year's Resolution

As the holidays wind down and people begin to think seriously about their New Year’s resolutions, we often think about what we want to see for ourselves in the upcoming year. As I started thinking about what I want to see in 2019, I thought “Shouldn’t organizations make resolutions, too?”

The answer is easy – yes. The answer might be easy, but the follow-through takes dedication and support. That’s where you come in.

The South Carolina Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy is making the resolution to engage with as many communities in  our state as possible in 2019. We want to be intentional about sharing our resolution with you because we need your help to make it possible. 

We encourage you to join us in our resolution and have the vital conversation about teen pregnancy prevention in your community. Host a Let’s Talk Party, invite a neighbor to become an Askable Adult, or simply share your support of the SC Campaign at your child’s soccer game.

The SC Campaign is steadfast in our dedication to training youth-serving professionals, providing resources for parents and other trusted adults, and promoting access to teen-friendly reproductive health services for young people. With your support we’ll be able do this in even more communities across South Carolina.

So as we cross over to 2019, we want to stress how thankful we are for your continued support. This support made 2018 a banner year, and we look forward to what your engagement throughout the New Year brings.