May is Reproductive Health Awareness Month!
The first Wednesday of May is the official kick-off of #ReproductiveHealthAwarenessMonth! To celebrate we've created a resource for you that provides tips on using SC's teen birth data to inform programming, awareness activities and professional development all year long.
Fact Forward continues to help professionals and advocates lead with the facts by taking a look back at South Carolina's most recent teen birth and STI data. Partner Engagement Coordinator, Kimberley Wicker reviews 2018 rates and help viewers use the data to inform outreach and awareness activities moving forward.
Looking at key insights around date trends over time, comparisons to national rates, and youth risk behaviors among adolescents, this webinar provides the foundation necessary to reach key constituents. From funding to storytelling and advocacy efforts, community leaders, donors, colleagues and other stakeholders want to engage even more when they are confident that your efforts are based on the facts. Data points are excellent guides that provide a snapshot of the issue. Therefore, it's important to keep reviewing updates and working together to use this information for the greater good.