
Understanding Unconscious Bias in Working With Adolescents

November 10, 2022 | 1:00pm - 4:00pm

The purpose of this training is to have service providers examine how unconscious bias impact the lives of youth receiving services. Biases whether implicit or explicit are social constructs that can show up in our daily work and play a major role in decision making and other policies and procedures that could further marginalize youths in South Carolina. This training is interactive and designed to help service providers identify ways to actively work to minimize and eliminate biases that contribute to disparities based on race, ethnicity, gender, and socio-economic status in youth-serving organizations.  

CEUs offered:

  • General
  • CHES


  • Participants will be able to define implicit and explicit bias and how it impacts their clients. 
  • Increase awareness of social and cultural biases that determine the type of service provisions provided to marginalized populations in South Carolina.
  • Address biases as they present themselves on an individual, organizational and systemic level. 
  • Test their own implicit biases utilizing the Implicit Association Test.
  • Explore opportunities to reduce hidden biases within their organization and understand the larger implications and harms that is associated with not addressing bias.
  • Participants will also examine real case study and scenarios to determine ways to mitigate individual and organizational biases and help service providers bring theory to practice.

Target Audience:

Experienced and new health and human service providers conducting outreach as part of their jobs.

Event Trainer:

Katrina James, MPH, CHES, FPHW

Katrina joined Fact Forward in June 2019 with six years of experience working with non-profits and federally qualified health centers. She worked alongside doctors and nurse practitioners to provide health education, family planning services, and STI testing treatment education in underserved communities. Katrina currently serves as the Health Services Coordinator, providing capacity building and technical assistance for health centers, colleges, and high schools for the emPOWERed SC: Creating Linkages for Youth of Color in South Carolina project in Richland and Orangeburg counties. She works closely with health centers across South Carolina in the Collaborative for Reproductive Education and Wellness (CREW). She works to assist them with implementing clinic best practices and quality improvement strategies. She also serves as lead trainer on a variety of Fact Forward education and developed trainings modules. Katrina is a graduate of Coastal Carolina University where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Health Promotion. She completed her Master of Public Health in Community Health degree at Georgia Southern University. She is a Certified Health Education Specialist and Family Planning Health Worker with a passion for sexual reproductive health.

Location & Address:

Online Webinar



Registration Deadline:

November 7th, 2022

Late registration must be approved by the training department ( or 803-771-7700), and is subject to a $25 late registration fee.


If you are interested in additional information about this training and the possibility of having one in your area please contact our Training Department at or 803-771-7700. 

Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be made no later than 72 hours before the date of the training. No-shows forfeit registration costs. 

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