Getting to Outcomes
Young people can engage in a variety of negative behaviors—such as drug use, underage drinking, and premarital sex—that exact a high toll on local communities. These activities are often the target of community-based prevention efforts. GTO is organized around a 10-step process to help communities plan, implement, and evaluate the impact of their programs that attempt to prevent these negative behaviors.
GTO is both a model for carrying out prevention programming with quality, and a support intervention aimed at enhancing practitioners' capacity.1 GTO does not advocate for any specific prevention program. Rather, communities should use the best program available that meets their needs, evidence-based or otherwise. GTO then provides supports to improve the quality of that program with the goal of achieving positive results.
The GTO model focuses on ten steps describing activities required to obtain positive results from any prevention program (see diagram). Each set of activities has been shown to make prevention programs successful. 2 Steps 1-6 involve various planning activities (needs assessment, goal setting, choosing programs, ensuring appropriate capacity and fit, planning program details); steps 7-8 cover process and outcome evaluation; and steps 9-10 focus on the use of data to improve and sustain programs. (above comes from the website:
GTO is:
- A user-friendly process for planning, implementing and evaluating programs to achieve success with four parts:
- Part I – Goal Setting
- Part II – Program Planning
- Part III – Program Evaluation
- Part IV – Improving and Sustaining Your Program
- Originally developed for drug-free community coalitions to bridge the gap between research and practice.
- GTO is based on 10 empowerment evaluation and accountability questions
- Provides tools, worksheets, and resources for planning, implementation, and self-evaluation.
CEUs Offered:
- General
At the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Identify the purpose of Getting To Outcomes;
- Understand each step within Getting To Outcomes and how they are related;
- List examples of how to apply each step of Getting To Outcomes;
- Assess their organization using the GTO steps;
- Identify ways Fact Forward can help their organization in each GTO step
Target Audience:
- PREP Partners
- Anyone
Meredith Talford, MPH, CHES
Innovation Manager
Meredith joined the Fact Forward team in March of 2011 after serving four years as an HIV/AIDS Health Educator at SC DHEC. With a career spanning 18 years, she has provided direct care to youth in foster care, adolescent sex offenders, and individuals living with HIV. A Chester, SC native, Meredith is a graduate of Bennett College for Women, earning a Bachelor of Social Work and Master of Public Health from Mercer University School of Medicine. Meredith has served the agency as a trainer, technical assistance provider and grant manager of two federal grants. Currently, she is the Innovation Manager focusing on the development of new products and services.
Online Webinar
Registration Deadline:
November 2, 2020
Late registration must be approved by the training department ( and is subject to a $35 late registration fee.
If you are interested in additional information about this training and the possibility of having one in your area please contact our Training Department at or 803-771-7700.
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be made no later than 72 hours before the date of the training. No-shows forfeit registration costs.
Inclement Weather Policy: Fact Forward follows the City of Columbia for weather closings. We monitor and adjust as necessary. We make all efforts to connect with registrants via email to advise of office closing and delayed starts. In case of cancellation of training due to weather, we will refund registration fees and make all efforts to reschedule in a timely manner.