Centering Racial Justice in Sexual Health for Youth
Operationalizing racial justice within sex education settings has proven challenging, as individuals and organizations alike have struggled with how to raise the topic of race in ways that are clear, impactful, and fit with competing priorities. The Sex Education Collaborative, a collective of 24 national organizations focused on advancing and scaling school-based sex education across the US, interviewed thought leaders on the topics of sex education and racial injustice to identify key aspects of a teaching foundation rooted in racial justice principles and practice. Through this study, core principles were established along with distinct areas through which racial justice and equity can and should be practiced in the field of sex education. Utilizing the practice paper developed by SEC members as a guide; This workshop will provide an overview of the core concepts and assist participants with outlining strategies to advance racial justice in sex education in their own communities.
CEUs offered:
- General
- Participants will be able to identify core areas of racial justice and equity in sex education
- Review research process utilized to identify thematic analysis for core principles of racial justice in sex education.
- Session participants will work in small groups to discuss and create an action plan with how to align their work to the RJE core principles.
Event Trainer:
Dr. Rena Dixon, Ph.D., MPH, MCHES
Dr. Rena P. Dixon joined the Fact Forward staff in 2010. She oversees many of Fact Forward's grant projects along with training and capacity building for community partners. She has over 20 years of experience in public health and providing quality reproductive health services for adolescents and young adults. Dr. Dixon hails from the Peach State, growing up in Augusta, Georgia. She graduated with honors and cum laude from Armstrong Atlantic State University in Savannah, Georgia, with a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences and a minor in Latin American studies. Dr. Dixon also holds her Master of Public Health from Armstrong and a Ph.D. in Public Health with a focus on Health Promotion and Health Education from Walden University. She has a passion for public speaking, sexual health, and social justice.
Location & Address:
Online Webinar
If you are interested in additional information about this training and the possibility of having one in your area please contact our Training Department at or 803-771-7700.