“Why You Starin’?”: Sexuality and Disability for the World We Inherited
As sexuality professionals much of our training excludes the experiences of disabled people and often pathologized us. During a global pandemic disability has been at the forefront of many social and political conversations, yet sexuality professionals remain without much support in expanding their work, collaborating with, and meeting the needs of cross-disability community members and those who will become disabled. In this workshop we will discuss what is disability and what is disabling in sexuality education, define ableism, and learn new emergent disability led frameworks to expand our sexuality education approaches. Participants are encouraged to bring their questions about disability and sexuality to the session.
CEUs Available:
- General
At the end of this session participants will be able to:
- Expand their definition of disability
- Define ableism and identify ableist practices in sexuality education
- Identify new framing and skills to implement into their sexuality education
Target Audience:
Bianca I Laureano is an award-winning educator and sexologist. She is a co-foundress of the Women of Color Sexual Health Network (WOCSHN) and her most recent project is ANTE UP! a virtual freedom school offering professional development and certification. She has written several curricula and was the lead writer for the Netflix film Crip Camp’s curriculum rooted in Disability Justice principles. She is an AASECT certified sexuality educator and supervisor, and in May 2020 was awarded an honorary doctorate from the California Institute for Integral Studies for her work in expanding the US sexuality field. Find out more about Bianca at her website BiancaLaureano.com and about ANTE UP! at www.AnteUpPD.com
Online Webinar
Registration Deadline:
February 14, 2022
Late registration must be approved by the training department (training@factforward.org) and is subject to a $35 late registration fee.
If you are interested in additional information about this training and the possibility of having one in your area please contact our Training Department at training@factforward.org or 803-771-7700.
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be made no later than 72 hours before the date of the training. No-shows forfeit registration costs.
Inclement Weather Policy: Fact Forward follows the City of Columbia for weather closings. We monitor and adjust as necessary. We make all efforts to connect with registrants via email to advise of office closing and delayed starts. In case of cancellation of training due to weather, we will refund registration fees and make all efforts to reschedule in a timely manner.